Sunday, August 2, 2020

How to Stay Focused Train Your Brain

How to Stay Focused Train Your Brain INTRODUCTION TO STAYING FOCUSEDModern technology h?? given u? ?? m?n? amazing things, but ?n? of th? ?wkw?rd side effects h?? ?lw??? been it? ability t? get in our f??? wh?th?r w? want it to or n?t.N?tifi??ti?n? ?n t?? of n?tifi??ti?n?, constantly thr??t?ning to ?ull u? ?w?? fr?m d?ing what’s im??rt?nt, thus slowing us down fr?m g?tting actual w?rk done.Think ?b?ut thi?, th? ?v?r?g? ??r??n working in ?n ?ffi?? i? di?tr??t?d ?v?r? 3 minutes ?nd according t? r????r?h fr?m the Hum?n-C?m?ut?r Int?r??ti?n In?titut? ?t C?rn?gi? M?ll?n University it ??n t?k? u? t? 25 minut? ju?t to r?g?in f??u? ?ft?r b?ing distracted.L??ing f??u? is ????, really easy, it’s g?tting it b??k th?t’? the h?rd ??rt.Y?t d???it? kn?wing th? dangers ?f distraction, we do very f?w thing? t? protect ?ur??lv?? fr?m it.But t??h i?n’t th? only thing th?t ??u??? u? t? l??? f??u?.S?m? of u? wonder in thoughts in th? middl? of im??rt?nt things, especially th? very bright ?n??.What w?? I doing again? W? ?ft?n ??k.Th? ?l?v?r??t ?m?ng us find it diffi?ult t? ?ri?ritiz? which id?? t? f??u? ?n fir?t, with the distractions ??t?nti?ll? l??ding t? “? feeling ?f inadequacy ?nd inability t? d??l with th? w?rkl??d ?? a wh?l?”, ????rding t? psychiatrist Dr N?d H?ll?w?ll.H? ?dd?d that th? bright??t br?in? ??n ?nd u? f?lling short ?f their ?wn ?x???t?ti?n? and ?l?? ?f wh?t th?ir b??? expects.W?v? all h?d days wh?r? w? cant ???m t? focus, ??king th?t ?u??ti?n t?? many tim?? to count.F?r ??m? ?f us, th??? d??? ?r? m?r? common th?n wed like. Wh?th?r it? f?tigu?, distractions, lack ?f m?tiv?ti?n, or something else ?ntir?l?, ?ur in?bilit? to focus digs a h?l? in ?ur productivity and, th?r?f?r?, ??n j????rdiz? ?ur chances ?f success.So h?w d??? f??u?ing work?  F??u?ing ?n a t??k i? a lot lik? f??u?ing your vision.It i? ????nti?ll? a top-down process.Wh?n ??u make th? decision to f??u? on something, ??ur br?in fir?t t?k?? in all th? vi?u?l inf?rm?ti?n ?nd ?t?rt? t? process th?t inf?rm?ti?n to t?ll ??u what ??u ?h?uld f??u? ?n.It’? like l??king ?t a ??inting ?r a ?h?t?gr??h f?r the fir?t time.Wh?n the image b???m?? ?l??r?r, th?n ??ur br?in will m?v? in ?n ?n? aspect th?t ??u w?nt t? pay ?tt?nti?n t?.Wh?n ??u ??hi?v? that bli??full kind ?f concentration wh?r? tim? slips b? ??u, ??ur ??r???ti?n ?f th? w?rld ?r?und ??u changes, ?ll?wing you t? h?v? a heightened ability t? ign?r? outside ?timuli.B?f?r? w? g? int? how to tr?in th? brain t? f??u? ?r pay ?tt?nti?nHere ?r? the f?ur ??t?g?ri?? of ?tt?nti?n:  Vigil?n??: Thi? means m?int?ining attention ?v?r a ??n?id?r?bl? ??ri?d of time, ?u?h ?? during an ???d?mi? l??tur?. It t?k?? a ??n??i?u? ?ff?rt t? ?u?t?in this type of attention from minutes t? hours.Arousal ?nd alertness: Th??? t?rm? refer to ?h??i?l?gi? states ?f ?tt?nti?n. F?r example, when ?l???ing, individuals r?m?in generally unr????n?iv? t? thing? going ?n ?r?und them, ?x???t ?f ??ur?? ?xtr?m?l? loud di?turb?n???, ?u?h ?? ?t?rm?. R????r?h?r? have shown th?t ?t ??rt?in times ?f the d?? , individuals ?r? more “?l?rt” th?n at other tim??. For m??t ????l?, ?l?rtn??? peaks in th? ??rl? evening.Divided attention: To wh?t ?xt?nt ??n individu?l? multit??k? Or in ?th?r words, can people ?tt?nd ?qu?ll? w?ll t? tw? t??k? at ?n??? Th? ability ?f individuals t? divid? th?ir ?tt?nti?n d???nd? on individual information processing ?????iti?? ?? d?t?rmin?d by th? br?in’? biology.S?l??tiv? (focused) ?tt?nti?n: Thi? i? th? ?bilit? t? f??u? ?x?lu?iv?l? ?n ?n? ?h?nn?l or object ?f th?ught, r?g?rdl??? ?f th? ?m?unt of ?urr?unding stimuli available t? distract ?nd r?-f??u? ?tt?nti?n. R????r?h?r? ?tud? b?th ?udit?r? ??l??tiv? attention ?nd visual ??l??tiv? ?tt?nti?n.WHY DO PEOPLE LOSE FOCUS?  Losing f??u? i? actually natural ?nd desirable â€" it’? ?n ?v?luti?n?r? system m??nt t? k??? u? ??f?.Breaking f??u? i? essentially b?tt?m-d?wn. It’s h????n? wh?n ??ur br?in i? noticing things th?t might n??d your ?tt?nti?n. Evolution r?quir?? ??ur ??n??ntr?ti?n t? break wh?n ??m?thing i? either d?ng?r?u? ?r rewarding.The thing i?, once ??ur focus i? br?k?n, it ??n take u? t? 25 minut?? to r?turn t? the ?rigin?l task, ????rding t? Gl?ri? M?rk, ?r?f????r at the Univ?r?it? ?f C?lif?rni?, Irvine.Oth?r ?tudi?? say th?t it takes ?r?und 5 minutes t? r?f??u?, whil? ?th?r? say 15.Eith?r w??, th?r? ?r? und?ni?bl? ???t? involved with interruptions.Consider this ?g?in?t the backdrop ?f ?ffi?? w?rk: th? ?v?r?g? office worker i? int?rru?t?d ?n?wh?r? b?tw??n ?v?r? 3 t? 10 minut?? (?g?in, studies ??nfli?t ?n thi? one).H?w?v?r, there is n? definitive r????r?h on wh?th?r the quality of work ?ft?r interruption ?uff?r? a decline with more int?rru?ti?n?.You might think th?t th??? interruptions ?r? ?ft?n ?xt?rn?l â€" fr?m colleagues, ?h?n? calls ?r emails â€" but actually w? interrupt ?ur??lv?? ?r?und 44% of the time, ????rding t? Gloria M?rk’? r????r?h.But the hum?n mind is able to f??u? on ?n? given t??k f?r up to tw? h?ur? (?ft?r whi?h it needs a 20-30 minut? br??k to r??h?rg?). S? why ?r?n’t w? living up t? thi? potential?Here ?r? a f?w other thing? th?t ??uld ??ntribut? t? wh? ????l? l??? focus:Depression  L??k ?f f??u? and ??n??ntr?ti?n are ?m?ng th? m?r? common ??m?t?m? ?f d??r???i?n. Major d??r???i?n ??n ??m?tim?? make it im????ibl? t? w?rk or ?tud? ?ff??tiv?l?, and may r??uir? medical tr??tm?nt.Sl??? d??riv?ti?n  Di?turb?d sleep can l??d t? a lack ?f focus the following d??. Pr?l?ng?d ?l??? di?turb?n??? m?? r??uir? a d??t?r’? visit to uncover and tr??t any underlying cause.Alcohol ?r drug ?bu??  D???nd?n?? ?n ?l??h?l ?r r??r??ti?n?l drug? m?? cause th? br?in t? function l??? th?n ??tim?ll?. Ev?n ?r???rib?d m?di??ti?n may h?v? thi? effect, so ?h??k with your doctor.Hormonal ?h?ng??  Whil? th? ?ff??t ?f ?r?gn?n?? on th? br?in is a subject ?f d?b?t? ?m?ng ?x??rt?, many women r???rt f?rg?tfuln??? ?nd f??u? problems in th? l?t?r m?nth?.M?n???u??  Menopause can lik?wi?? cause a temporary di?ru?ti?n t? m?nt?l acuity, ????rding t? a r???nt study by th? Univ? r?it? of R??h??t?r M?di??l Centre in Am?ri??.Str?k?  A bl??d fl?w ?r?bl?m in th? br?in ??n cause ?h?ng?? in the organ, r??ulting in â€" ??m?tim?? ??v?r? â€" memory loss ?r failure t? ??n??ntr?t?. Occupational therapy ??n help r?build some m?nt?l ?kill?.Thyroid ?r?bl?m?  An und?r??tiv? th?r?id can r??ult in a change in brain cell ??tivit?. Th?r?id tr??tm?nt may in?lud? r??l???m?nt medication.Anaemia  W??kn??? ?nd exhaustion can r??ult fr?m th? l??k ?f r?d bl??d ??ll?, as ?x?g?n i? n?t tr?n???rt?d properly in the body. An??mi? is ?u?????full? tr??t?d b? lif??t?l? ?h?ng?? ?nd nutritional ?u??l?m?nt?.H??d injury  A knock ?n the head wh?n ?l??ing ???rt ??n cause t?m??r?r? ??nfu?i?n, while a more serious injur? lik? a ??r ???id?nt could ??u?? permanent damage, l??ding to concentration diffi?ulti??. In ?ld?r ?dult?, a f?ll i? a common ??u?? of injur? and ??uld result in ??nfu?i?n. Getting imm?di?t? tr??tm?nt ?ft?r an injur? is vit?l t? k??? d?m?g? t? a minimum.D?m?nti?  Diseases such ?? Al zheimer’s disease ??u?? d?m?g? t? the brain, ?nd short-term memory loss is ?ft?n ?n? ?f the fir?t signs. V?ri?u? medications ?r? u??d to ?h?ng? th? ?r?gr???i?n ?f th? di????? ?nd improve ??m? of th? ?ff??t?.15 TIPS THAT SCIENTISTS HAVE FOUND TO ENHANCE FOCUS, AND CAN HELP TRAIN YOUR BRAIN TO FOCUSMinimize MultitaskingMultit??king i? an ????r?nt hum?n ability to perform m?r? th?n ?n? t??k, or activity, over a short period. An ?x?m?l? ?f multit??king is taking ?h?n? ??ll? whil? typing ?n email and r??ding a b??k..A?k ?n??n? wh? th?? multitask ?nd th?? will ?lm??t ??rt?inl? r????nd “to b? more ?r?du?tiv?” ?r “t? g?t m?r? d?n? in l??? tim?.”Ironically, it’? b??n ?r?v?n over and ?v?r again that multitasking h?? th? ?x??t opposite ?ff??t.It’? ??tim?t?d that multit??king ???t? the Unit?d St?t??’ ???n?m? $650 billion annually in w??t?d ?r?du?tivit?.There’s no d?ubt that multitasking ?l?w? ??u d?wn.Ev?r? tim? ??u ?h?ng? activities it t?k?? tim? t? g?t b??k ?n tr??k.Ex??rt? estimate th?t switching between t??k? can cause a 40% loss in productivity. Aft?r an int?rru?ti?n; b? it a ?h?n? call ?r deciding t? check ??ur email, it ??n t?k? up to fiv? minut?? to get b??k int? th? w?rkfl?w you were in b?f?r? th? int?rru?ti?n.It might n?t seem lik? it but ???nding bl??k? of tim? d?ing ?n? thing at a time will take ??u l??? t?t?l tim? than trying to d? tw? thing? ?t ?n??.Thi? h?ld? true ?v?n for driving. M??t ????l? won’t b?li?v? thi? ???li?? t? th?m, but it’? been shown that it t?k?? people l?ng?r t? drive t? their d??tin?ti?n if they t?lk ?n th? phone ?l?ng th? w??.Multit??king d???n’t ju?t ?l?w ??u down, it also increases th? numb?r ?f mi?t?k?? you m?k?. On? ?tud? found th?t subjects given three t??k? t? ??rf?rm made three tim?? ?? many ?rr?r? ?? those given only two t??k?.If multitasking w?? an im??rt?nt innate ?kill, ??u’d think there would h?v? ?lw??? b??n a word f?r it, right?But b?f?r? 1965 th? w?rd “multitask” didn’t ?xi?t.It w?? fir?t ??i n?d in 1965 when it ?????r?d in ?n IBM ????r describing the capabilities ?f a new ??m?ut?r ???t?m. During thi? same d???d?, ????h?l?gi?t? b?g?n studying th? limit? ?f human ability to ?r????? more th?n one ??t ?f ?timuli at a time ?nd h?? found out th?t it ??u??? u? t? l??? focus.Multit??k?r? might ???m ?u??rhum?n, but th?? pay a big ?ri??, ????rding t? a 2009 St?nf?rd ?tud?. In a ??m?l? of 100 Stanford ?tud?nt?, ?b?ut h?lf id?ntifi?d th?m??lv?? ?? media multitaskers. Th? other h?lf did not.The t??t ?x?min?d ?tt?nti?n ???n?, m?m?r? ?????it?, and ?bilit? t? switch from ?n? t??k t? th? next â€" ?nd th? multitaskers ??rf?rm?d m?r? ???rl? on each t??t.Theyre ?u?k?r? f?r irr?l?v?n??. Ev?r?thing di?tr??t? them, Cliff?rd N???, wh? was a r????r?h?r for th? ?tud?, ??id in a Stanford press r?l????.MeditateIf the ???ing practice m?k?? perfect i? tru?, th?n meditation i? a ?ur? w?? t? enhance focus because it t?k?? a gr??t d??l ?f concentration.P???l? who regularly ?r??ti?? m?dit?ti?n m?? im?r? v? th?ir m?nt?l f??u? b? ?lt?ring brain fun?ti?n. Compared t? n?n-m?dit?t?r?, they m?? b? b?tt?r ??ui???d t? ?ui?t brain ??tivit? related t? mind-w?nd?ring, a new ?tud? in th? J?urn?l ?f Neuroscience ?ugg??t?.This m?? come ?? good n?w?, ??n?id?ring th? buzz ?n ?ur increasingly shrinking ?tt?nti?n spans.Th? ?tud?, by It?li?n neuroscientist Giuseppe Pagnoni, f?und th?t m?dit?ti?n n?t ?nl? ?h?ng?? brain ??tt?rn?, but it also confers ?dv?nt?g?? in m?nt?l f??u? that m?? im?r?v? cognitive performance.For th? ?tud?, Pagnoni, wh? has a longstanding int?r??t in how meditation ?ff??t? th? br?in, r??ruit?d tw?lv? Z?n m?dit?t?r? who had b??n practicing f?r ?t least three ???r?.He ??m??r?d th? final group ?f m?dit?t?r? to a ??ntr?l gr?u? of tw?lv? v?lunt??r? wh? h?d never meditated, but were the same ?g? ?nd had th? same education level ?? the meditators.Pagnoni th?n put each ?f th?m into ?n MRI m??hin? to m???ur? br?in patterns.Compared to n?n-m?dit?t?r?, m?dit?t?r? h?d m?r? stability in th?ir v?ntr?l posteromedial cortex (vPMC). The vPMC, a region link?d t? ???nt?n??u? thoughts and mind-w?nd?ring, li?? ?n th? underside of the brain, in th? middl? ?f your head.P?gn?ni’? ?tud? confirmed hi? h???th??i?. Whil? b?th m?dit?t?r? ?nd n?n-m?dit?t?r? h?d ??m? ??tivit? in th?ir vPMC, the in?r????d ?t?bilit? in m?dit?t?r? m?? m??n th?t th?? ??n b?tt?r rein in wild th?ught? so th?? don’t ?n?wb?ll ?ut ?f control. In?r????d vPMC stability m?? ?urb mind-wandering.S?i?ntifi? experiments ?gr??. On? other ?tud? ?t th? Univ?r?it? ?f North C?r?lin?, f?r ?x?m?l?, r?v??l?d that ?tud?nt? wh? meditated for ju?t 20 minut?? a day f?r f?ur d??? performed b?tt?r ?n certain cognitive tests.Exercise regularlyEx?r?i?? i? th? m??t effective w?? t? improve m?m?r? and ?tt?nti?n. For ???r? ??i?nti?t? h?v? kn?wn that ?x?r?i?? ???m? t? ?r?t??t against m?m?r? di??rd?r? lik? Alzh?im?r? di?????.P???l? who ?x?r?i?? r?gul?rl? are 50% less lik?l? t? d?v?l?? dementia.   Now th?? kn?w ?n? r????n why:   wh?n w? ? x?r?i??, new br?in ??ll? ?r? b?rn in th? hippocampus- the brains g?t?w?? to n?w m?m?ri??.Thi? finding is r?m?rk?bl? b???u?? until not so l?ng ago, neuroscientists ???um?d th?t hum?n? w?r? born with a ??rt?in numb?r ?f brain cells- ?nd that w?? it throughout one’s lif?.N?w it’? clear that new ??ll? ?r? b?rn throughout ?ur lives, in the area of the brain responsible f?r l??ing d?wn n?w m?m?ri??, ?nd this process i? trigg?r?d by ?x?r?i??. Wh?n w? exercise- and it h?? t? b? ?n?ugh t? r??ll? ?w??t, neurogenesis ?r the birth of n?w cells is the result.A?r?bi? ?x?r?i?? h?l?? im?r?v? ??n??ntr?ti?n ?? studies have shown. G?tting ??ur h??rt r?t? up leads dir??tl? ?nd imm?di?t?l? t? improved f??u? ?nd ??n??ntr?ti?n.F?ll?wing a h?lf hour ?f strenuous exercise, th? dorsolateral ?r?fr?nt?l ??rt?x w?rk? h?rd?r t? r??i?t di?tr??t?r? and performance on t??t? ?f attention im?r?v??. Studi?? ?l?? ?h?w th?t imm?di?t?l? f?ll?wing ?x?r?i??, ?r?bl?m ??lving, m?m?r?, ?nd ?tt?nti?n improve.Exercise i?nt just g??d f?r the b?d? ?? we kn?w it today. It ?r?m?t?? br?in health, too, whi?h i? important for m?m?r? ?????it? ?nd ??n??ntr?ti?n, according to J?hn Ratey, ?????i?t? ?lini??l professor of psychiatry ?t H?rv?rd M?di??l S?h??l.Establish a To-Do ListTo-do li?t? n?t ?nl? h?l? ??u ?ri?ritiz? wh?t tasks ??u n??d t? g?t d?n? fir?t, but they ??n ?l?? ??rv? ?? a record ?f the l???? ?nd?.By k???ing a to d? li?t, you m?k? ?ur? that ??ur t??k? are writt?n d?wn all in one place ?? you dont f?rg?t ?n?thing im??rt?nt.And by ?ri?ritizing t??k?, ??u plan the order in whi?h ??ull d? them, ?? th?t ??u ??n t?ll wh?t n??d? ??ur imm?di?t? attention, and wh?t ??u ??n leave until l?t?r.T?-D? Li?t? ?r? ????nti?l if ??ur? g?ing t? b??t w?rk overload. Wh?n ??u d?nt use th?m ?ff??tiv?l?, ??ull appear unf??u??d ?nd unreliable to th? people ?r?und you.Wh?n you do u?? th?m effectively, youll b? mu?h better ?rg?niz?d, ?nd youll be mu?h more r?li?bl?. Y?ull ?x??ri?n?? l??? stress, safe in th? kn?wl?dg? that ??u h ?v?nt forgotten anything important.M?r? than this, if ??u prioritize intelligently, ??ull f??u? ??ur time and ?n?rg? on high value ??tiviti??, whi?h will m??n th?t ??ur? m?r? ?r?du?tiv?, ?nd more v?lu?bl? t? ??ur t??m.C?l Newport, a computer-science ?r?f????r and ?uth?r ?f th? b??k Deep Work,, t?ld Bu?in??? In?id?r th?t having a r???rding ?f ?ll th? thing? ??u ?till n??d t? d? ??n h?l? ??u stay focused ?n the u???ming task.If not, h? said, th?t in??m?l?t? w?rk ??uld ??t ?w?? ?t ??ur ??n??ntr?ti?n. This stems fr?m ??m?thing ??ll?d th? Z?ig?rnik Effect, whi?h is th? tendency t? remember in??m?l?t? t??k? in?t??d ?f ??m?l?t?d ?n??.Try a  Small Amount of CaffeineC?ff?in? i? found in ??ff??, t??, and chocolate t? n?m? a few, and it’? one ?f th? w?rld’? favorite drug?. But wh?t impact does it have ?n ??ur brain? The right ?m?unt of ??ff?in? ??n help ??u focus, but too much might m?k? you jitt?r?, anxious, ?r irrit?bl?.Caffeine i? ??n?id?r?d a ?timul?nt. It ?timul?t?? th? b?d?’? ??ntr ?l n?rv?u? ???t?m, ?nd boosts the brain’s ?r?du?ti?n ?f a n?ur??h?mi??l kn?wn ?? dopamine, which controls the ability t? focus and maintain ??n??ntr?ti?n.Thi? stimulation ??n ??u?? a ??r??n t? f??l energized and not to f??l th? effects ?f f?tigu? as strongly if th? right ?m?unt is t?k?n.In a 2005 study b? Fl?ri?n Koppelstätter ?nd colleagues ?t the M?di??l University at Inn?bru?k, Au?tri?, fMRI ???n? d?t?rmin?d th?t caffeine ?r?m?t?d increased ??tivit? ?f the ?nt?ri?r ?ingul?t? ?nd the anterior ?ingul?t? g?ru? in the prefrontal l?b? of th? br?in.Th??? specific ?r??? ?r? involved in ?l?nning, attention, m?nit?ring ?nd ??n??ntr?ti?n, ????rding to thi? study whi?h was ?r???nt?d at th? 2005 meeting ?f the R?di?l?gi??l S??i?t? ?f N?rth Am?ri??.If youre f??ling gr?gg?, grab a ?u? of caffeinated substance. Studies suggest th?t ??ff?in?, in moderate d????, h?l? t? b???t focus â€" ??rti?ul?rl? in th??? ?f u? who are f?tigu?d.But d?nt get ?v?rz??l?u? with the ??ff??, ?r you might g?t th? ? ?ff?in? jitt?r?, whi?h typically r?du?? your ?bilit? t? ??n??ntr?t?.Take BreaksY?u might h?v? heard th?t watching cat videos on Y?uTub? ??n im?r?v? productivity. Well, thats tru? sort ?f.Wh?th?r it? watching ??t videos, taking a w?lk, ?r ?l??ing your eyes f?r a f?w minut?? ?t a tim?, it i? critical to t?k? th? occasional br??k fr?m w?rk. In one ?tud?, 84 subjects were asked to ??rf?rm a ?im?l? ??m?ut?r t??k f?r ?n? h?ur.Th??? wh? w?r? ?ll?w?d two brief breaks during th?t h?ur ??rf?rm?d consistently f?r th? entire tim? whereas th??? wh? werent ?ff?r?d a br??k ??rf?rm?d worse ?v?r tim?.Scientist say n?w finding? overturn tr?diti?n?l theory ?b?ut th? n?tur? of ?tt?nti?n ?nd d?m?n?tr?t?? th?t even bri?f diversions fr?m a task ??n dr?m?ti??ll? im?r?v? ?n?’? ?bilit? t? f??u? ?n th?t t??k f?r prolonged ??ri?d?.Th? study z?r??? in on a ?h?n?m?n?n kn?wn t? ?n??n? who’s ?v?r h?d trouble d?ing th? same task f?r a long tim?: Aft?r a whil?, ??u begin to l??? your f??u? ?nd ??ur ??rf?rm?n?? on the task d??lin??.Some researchers b?li?v? that thi? “vigilance d??r?m?nt,” ?? they d???rib? it, is th? result of a dr?? in ?n?’? “?tt?nti?n?l r???ur???,” said Univ?r?it? of Illin?i? ????h?l?g? ?r?f????r Dr. Al?j?ndr? Ll?r??, who l?d the new ?tud?.“F?r 40 or 50 ???r?, most papers ?ubli?h?d ?n th? vigil?n?? d??r?m?nt treated ?tt?nti?n ?? a limit?d r???ur?? th?t w?uld g?t u??d up ?v?r tim?, ?nd I b?li?v? that t? be wr?ng. Y?u ?t?rt performing ???rl? on a t??k because you’ve ?t????d ???ing ?tt?nti?n t? it,” h? ??id.“But ??u are ?lw??? paying ?tt?nti?n t? ??m?thing. Att?nti?n i? n?t th? problem.”Ll?r?? h?d noticed that a similar ?h?n?m?n?n ???ur? in ??n??r? ??r???ti?n: Th? brain gr?du?ll? ?t??? registering a sight, ??und ?r feeling if th?t stimulus r?m?in? ??n?t?nt ?v?r tim?.For example, m??t people ?r? n?t ?w?r? of th? ??n??ti?n ?f clothing t?u?hing their ?kin.The b?d? b???m?? “habituated” to th? f??ling ?nd th? ?timulu? n? l?ng?r r?gi?t?r? in ?n? m??ningful w?? in th? brain.Keep  Work at WorkN?w??rt r???mm?nd? completely separating ??ur??lf ?ft?r l??ving th? office ?nd h?ving a l?ng ????r?ti?n b?f?r? th? n?xt w?rk d??.A??rt fr?m ju?t giving your br?in a br??k, some r????r?h suggests th?t having d?wntim? away fr?m a ?r?bl?m ??uld h?l? ??u ??lv? it.According to th? un??n??i?u?-th?ught th??r?, ?t???ing ?w?? fr?m a diffi?ult ?itu?ti?n ??n h?l? ??u ??m? to a b?tt?r ??n?lu?i?n than tr?ing t? r???lv? it in one sitting.But thi? theory i? a bit di??ut?d. A 2015 meta-analysis of un??n??i?u?-th?ught ?dv?nt?g? ?tudi?? ??m? to th? ??n?lu?i?n th?t a div?r?i?n fr?m a d??i?i?n d???nt n??????ril? l??d t? a b?tt?r choice th?n a d??i?i?n m?d? in a deliberation ??ri?d.Train Your Brain to FocusYour brain i? a m?nt?l muscle, and ??m? ?tudi?? have found th?t ????l? wh? are ???il? di?tr??t?d will benefit fr?m brain training ?x?r?i???, lik? th??? ?r?m?t?d b? Lumosity or Cogmed.But which ?x?r?i??? w?rk â€" ?nd for h?w w?ll or l?ng th?ir effects l??t â€" i? un?l ??r.Th?r?f?r?, th? ?ur??rt?d benefits ?f br?in tr?ining n??d further examination, Susanne J??ggi â€" who studies th? br?in ?nd memory at the Univ?r?it? of C?lif?rni? â€" t?ld N?w Scientist.Try to Find a Quiet PlaceAmbient noise, lik? ??r? h?nking or kid? ??r??ming, ??n stimulate the release ?f the ?tr??? h?rm?n? cortisol, Mark A.W. Andrews, former dir??t?r ?f the L?k? Eri? C?ll?g? ?f Osteopathic Medicine ?t Seton Hill Univ?r?it? in P?nn??lv?ni?, t?ld Scientific American.Too mu?h ??rti??l ??n im??ir fun?ti?n and hinder f??u?. And, unf?rtun?t?l?, th? m?r? w?r? exposed to ambient n?i??, th? w?r?? our b?di?? r????nd, according t? Andr?w?.Stare at a  Distant Object for a Few MinutesM?n? ?f us ???nd most of ?ur w?king hours ?t?ring at a digital screen, whi?h ??n ?tr?in ?ur ???? ?nd actually m?k? it m?r? diffi?ult to f??u?, ?nd therefore ?r?????, what w?r? l??king at.T? r?f??u? the ????, ju?t ?t?r? ?t a distant ?bj??t f?r a f?w minutes. One d??t?r ?ugg??t?d th? 20-20-20 rule t? a j?urn?li? t ?t Lif? H??k?r. It g??? like thi?: Ev?r? 20 minut??, t?k? 20 ????nd? t? ?t?r? at an ?bj??t at least 20 feet ?w??.Get a Good Nights SleepWe ?ll think best wh?n w?r? well r??t?d. A ?l??r and ?l?rt br?in ?ll?w? u? to focus, learn ?nd r?m?mb?r information, and also to be creative.On the ?th?r hand, wh?n were ?l????, w? make m?r? mi?t?k?? and ?r? l??? ?r?du?tiv? in ??h??l ?nd at w?rk.H??lth? ?l??? puts u? in the right state of mind t? take in information as w? g? about the day. Not ?nl? th?t, w? n??d a g??d night? sleep t? process ?nd r?t?in th?t inf?rm?ti?n ?v?r the l?ng term.Sl??? actually triggers ?h?ng?? in the brain th?t ??lidif? memoriesâ€"strengthening ??nn??ti?n? b?tw??n br?in ??ll? ?nd tr?n?f?rring information fr?m ?n? br?in r?gi?n t? another.R????r?h?r? h?v? tested thi? ?r????? b? t???hing ????l? n?w skills ?nd th?n ???nning th?ir br?in? after a period with ?r without ?l???.Wh?n ????l? h?v? a ?h?n?? to ?l???, f?r ?x?m?l?, ?ft?r practicing a skill ?imil?r t? ?i?n? ???l??, the centres ?f the brain th?t ??ntr?l ????d ?nd ???ur??? ?r? more ??tiv? than th??? regions in ????l? wh? h?v?nt ?l??t.Scientists think that whil? w? ?l???, memories ?nd ?kill? ?r? ?hift?d to more ?ffi?i?nt ?nd permanent brain r?gi?n?, m?king f?r high?r ?r?fi?i?n?? th? next d??.In f??t, ?l???ing ?h?rtl? ?ft?r learning n?w inf?rm?ti?n h?? b??n shown t? help r?t?nti?n. Some r????r?h indi??t?? that wh?n people l??rn b?f?r? g?ing t? ?l??? (?r even b?f?r? taking a nap), they r?m?mb?r th? inf?rm?ti?n b?tt?r in the long t?rm.Sl??? ?l?? h?l?? us ??nth??iz? new ideas, n?t ju?t remember th? old ?n??. Whil? ??ur? sleeping, ?i???? of kn?wl?dg? ??n b? ?ull?d together fr?m diff?r?nt ?x??ri?n??? ?nd ??rt? ?f th? brain t? create n?v?l concepts ?r ?h h? m?m?nt?. Th?t? a big h?l? wh?n ??ur? trying t? solve a problem ?r make ?n ?dv?n?? in ??ur w?rk.One ?f th? main ??m?t?m? ?f chronic ?l??? l??? i? ???r ??n??ntr?ti?n. Getting a solid seven t? ?ight h?ur? ?h??d ?f a bu?? work d?? ??uld be th? difference bet ween b?ing frazzled ?nd b?ing l???r-f??u??d.Work OfflineEveryone kn?w? th?t th? Int?rn?t i? a ??w?rful medium and ?n im??rt?nt ??rt ?f m?d?rn lif?.It allows us t? w?rk m?r? ?ffi?i?ntl?, to m??t n?w int?r??ting ????l?, ?nd of ??ur?? f?r pure ?nt?rt?inm?nt.Th? Int?rn?t i? ?l?? ?n important ?du??ti?n?l t??l ?nd ??n be h?l?ful f?r ?tud?ing.Wh?n you ?r? ??nn??t?d t? th? Int?rn?t, ??u ??n ???il? d?wnl??d b??k?, videos ?r ??ftw?r? ?r?gr?m? th?t ??n ???i?t ??u in ??ur ?tudi??.H?w?v?r, when th? Internet is used for other things ?u?h ?? ???i?l networking, ?nlin? games ?r r??ding m?ng? in?t??d ?f focusing ?n ??ur ???ignm?nt?, it ??n b? a hug? di?tr??ti?n ?nd ??n greatly int?rf?r? with ??ur ?tudi??.Getting rid of th? ??ur?? ?f ??ur di?tr??ti?n i? the very fir?t thing you ??n d?. It ??n b? difficult ?????i?ll? if ??u have b???m? h??k?d to it. If you ?r? a student, ?tud?ing i? m?r? important than ?n?thing ??u ??n d? with th? Int?rn?t.Y?u ??n switch off your wireless, ?ull ?ut the Eth?rn?t cable ? r turn ?ff your m?d?m.Th?r? ?r? ?v?n r?ut?r? th?t ?n?bl? ??u t? ??t tim?? f?r Int?rn?t u??g?. If ??u h?v? m?d? a ?tud? ??h?dul?, ?n?ur? that your Int?rn?t i? turn?d ?ff at that tim?.If you ??n di???nn??t from th? internet, th?r? ?r? f?w?r things t? distract you from th? work ?t h?nd. Ex??rt? think th?t ?v?r? tim? you fli? b?tw??n t??k? â€" whether it b? r????nding to a friend on F???b??k or ?h??king ??ur inb?x â€" a littl? bit ?f ??ur attention remains with th? task you ju?t l?ft.Sophie L?r??, a ?r?f????r ?t the Univ?r?it? ?f W??hingt?n at B?th?ll, ??in?d th? t?rm attention residue ?? th? r????n f?r wh? it? so hard t? ?h?ng? tasks. Elimin?ting th??? ?nlin? distractions can keep ??u fr?m finding t??k? t? flip b?tw??n ?nd help you f??u?.Designate Your Perfect Study SpotF??u?ing r?quir?? a l?t ?f willpower, ?nd ?? d??? m?king d??i?i?n?. A???rding t? a ??n???t called ?g? d??l?ti?n, w? h?v? a finit? ?m?unt of mental ?n?rg?, and b?th d??i?i?n-m?king and willpower ??n drain it.To save that energy for concentration, proponents ?f the theory ?ugg??t getting rid ?f excess v?ri?bl?? that require you to m?k? d??i?i?n?, lik? ?h???ing where t? w?rk.Tr? working from th? same l???ti?n whenever ??u n??d to f??u?, f?r ?x?m?l?.Th?t w??, wh?n it? tim? to g?t th? w?rk d?n?, you w?nt h?v? t? w??t? tim? d??iding where t? g?.Treat the Most Difficult Tasks with Special RespectSpending your ?tt?nti?n wisely also r??uir?? ??u t? id?ntif? th? thing? that ?r? especially hard to concentrate ?n â€" wh?th?r r??ding a l?ng article ?r writing a report.Thi? will l?t you ?tt?m?t them ?t th? right tim?, ?nd in th? right ??tting, t? give ??ur??lf th? b??t ?h?n?? ?f ??m?l?ting th?m.Pri?ritiz? them wh?n ??ur? fr??h??t. F?r many ????l?, thi? is th? ?t?rt of th? d??, but it ??n also be ?ft?r ?n ?ft?rn??n ??ff?? br??k. R?g?rdl???, trying to r??d a l?ng article wh?n ??ur? dr?w?? ?r r??tl??? i? ??tting ??ur??lf up f?r f?ilur?.Its ?l?? im??rt?nt t? ?ut ??ur??lf in ?n ?nvir?nm?nt that will m?k? f??u?ing ?? ?i?r. If I know Im d?ing a particular task â€" like writing a proposal ?r reading ?n im??rt?nt ?rti?l? â€" that n??d? my full ?tt?nti?n, then I ?h?ng? m? mode, ???? W?lf. I ?h??i??ll? g? to a diff?r?nt r??m, if ????ibl?, that h?? f?w?r di?tr??ti?n?.Strip All Distractions Our of Your EnvironmentEveryone ?uff?r? ??m? d?fi?it in performance wh?n th??r? exposed t? irr?l?v?nt inf?rm?ti?n, ?v?n if th??r? ?w?r? th?? should avoid it ?nd are trying t? d? ??, ???? Ad?m G?zz?l??, a UC S?n Fr?n?i??? n?ur???i?nti?t who ?tudi?? ?tt?nti?n.Di?tr??ti?n? ?r? a problem, he ????, because ??ur br?in has t? w?rk ??n?t?ntl? t? fend th?m ?ff. Every time ??u h?v? t? force your attention b??k t? th? t??k at h?nd, it dr?in? a bit ?f th? r???rv?? ??u could b? ???l?ing toward the r??l goal.This m??n? that ?v?r? tim? an email n?tifi??ti?n ???? u? on ??ur ??r??n, ??ur br?in involuntarily t?k?? it in, then h?? t? ??nvin?? it??lf to g?t back to work. This m?? ???m minor, but over tim? it adds u?, ?xh?u?ting your ?b ilit? t? focus.But th?r? ?r? ?ll ??rt? of ?xt?rn?l t??l? ??u ??n u?? to ?hut di?tr??ti?n? ?ut f?r ??u instead. If possible, ??u can print out ?n ?rti?l? and ?t?? ?w?? fr?m your ??m?ut?r, ?r r??d it while shutting ?ff ??ur internet ??nn??ti?n.If you n??d t? b? ?nlin?, ??u ??n u?? ???? lik? Freedom and Focus t? l??k your ??m?ut?r ?ut ?f ????ifi? w?b?it?? f?r a ??t ??ri?d ?f tim?. If ??u h?v? ?rti?l?? you want t? r??d l?t?r, u?? One Tab ?r Tab M?n?g?r t? ??v? them without k???ing a di?tr??ting tab ???n.Turn off ??ur phone and desktop notifications t? ?r?v?nt ?v?r? n?w ?m?il fr?m disrupting your w?rkfl?w.CONCLUSION  Modernity h?? given us a l?t of comforts and conveniences, but it h?? also unleashed a t?rr?nt ?f stimuli ??m??ting f?r ?ur ?tt?nti?n. T? live a truly fl?uri?hing lif? amidst thi? ?????h?n? ?f di?tr??ti?n?, m??t?ring your attention i? k??.At th? end of your lif?, wh? ??u’v? become, wh?t ??u’v? l??rn?d ?nd ????m?li?h?d, and wh?’? th?r? ?t th? end with you will b? th? ?u m t?t?l of what ??u ?h??? t? pay attention t? ???h year, d??, and h?ur ?f ??ur lif?.Will a ??ri?? ?f ??t videos flash before your eyes? Or will you look b??k on th? d??? ??nv?r??ti?n? you h?d with ??ur family ?nd friends, the books that ?h?ng?d ??ur lif?, and th? littl? d?t?il? you discovered in all the places ??u visited?

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